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AssetStoreAPI.AssetStoreClient Class Reference

Inherits object.

Public Member Functions

def __init__
def LoginWithToken
def Login
def Logout
def IsLoggedIn
def GetUserInfo
def GetPublisherInfo
def FetchApiKey
def FetchSalesPeriods
def FetchRevenue
def FetchPackages
def VerifyInvoice
def FetchSales
def FetchDownloads
def SetupCurlQuery
def GetSimpleData
def GetXUnitySessionCookie
def GetLoginToken
def AssertHttpCode
def AssertIsLoggedIn
def AssertIsNotLoggedIn

Public Attributes


Static Public Attributes

string LOGIN_URL = ''
string LOGOUT_URL = ''
string SALES_URL = ''
string SALES_PERIODS_JSON_URL = '{publisher_id}.json'
string SALES_JSON_URL = '{publisher_id}/{year}{month}.json'
string DOWNLOADS_JSON_URL = '{publisher_id}/{year}{month}.json'
string INVOICE_VERIFY_JSON_URL = '{publisher_id}/{invoice_id}.json'
string REVENUE_JSON_URL = '{publisher_id}.json'
string API_KEY_JSON_URL = '{publisher_id}.json'
string LOGIN_TOKEN = '26c4202eb475d02864b40827dfff11a14657aa41'
string USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0'

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