Algorithmic Musician

Senior project for the procedural generation of music

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Determining Key from Frequencies

03 Feb 2016


The latest task in my project was to determine the key of a song or chord from a set of frequencies.


  • A semitone is the interval between two adjacent notes in a 12-tone (chromatic) scale.
  • The semitone ratio is the ratio between notes a semitone apart. It is equivalent to the twelfth root of two, which is about 1.05946309436.
  • NOTE_NAMES is an array of the 12 note names starting with C.
    • ["C", "C#", "D", "D#", "E", "F", "F#", "G", "G#", "A", "A#", "B"]
  • MAJOR_SCALE is an array of the intervals in a major scale. The array is [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]. This means that in a major scale the first note is 0 semitones above the starting note, the second note will be 2 semitones above the starting note, and so on.
  • OCTAVE_MINIMUM is the starting frequency of an octave that I arbitrarily chose to be 16.35 Hz.
  • OCTAVE_MAXIMUM is the highest frequency of the octave that I arbitrarily chose. It is twice OCTAVE_MINIMUM.
  • F is the input list of frequencies to process.

Key Finding Algorithm

  1. Adjust all the frequencies to be in the same octave. In order to do this, I arbitrarily chose the octave starting with the frequency 16.35. I could have chosen any octave, but this octave is the lowest musically recognized octave so it seemed like a good choice. For each frequency in F, I just divide the frequency by two until it is in the octave range. The octave range is denoted by the constants OCTAVE_MINIMUM and OCTAVE_MAXIMUM.
  2. Iterate through each of the 12 possible keys. For each key:
    • Calculate the 7 notes that make up the major scale in the key. I accomplished this by transposing the MAJOR_SCALE intervals by the index of the key name in NOTE_NAMES.
    • Count the number of frequencies in F that are in the major scale of the current key.
    • Save the count to a list that will be checked later.
  3. Chose the key that scored the most points and return its name. I do this by finding the greatest stored count from step two.


You can view my implementation of the algorithm on Github.

I added several tests to the file at the bottom of the file, successfully testing several major scales. I also ran the script on “Mary Had a Little Lamb,” and it returned that the key was C, which is correct.